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29. 03. 2007


VIENNA, 29 March 2007 - The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) is pleased to announce the Dr. Erhard Busek - SEEMO 2007 Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe.

Sponsored by Dr. Erhard Busek, special coordinator for the Stability Pact, the 2,000 Euro award will be given to a journalist, editor, media executive or person educating journalists in South Eastern Europe, who promotes a climate of better understanding among people in the region and who works towards ending minority problems, ethnic divisions, racism, xenophobia, etc.

In 2002, the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and its international jury chose Croatian journalist, Denis Latin, as its recipient of the Dr. Erhard Busek - SEEMO 2002 Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe, in recognition of his outstanding efforts in journalism, which contributed toward better understanding in South Eastern Europe. In 2003, the award was presented to Kemal Kurspahic, former editor-in-chief of the Sarajevo daily Oslobodjenje. The 2005 Award was given to Brankica Petkovic, Head of the Center for Media Policy at the Peace Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and editor-in-chief of the book versions of Media Watch and Media Watch Journal. She is also the author of a number of articles on media representations of minorities, with a special focus on the Roma minority in Slovenia. In 2006, the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and its international jury chose the Croatian journalist, Danko Plevnik, international relations columnist for the Croatian daily Slobodna Dalmacija from Split, as the recipient of the Dr. Erhard Busek - SEEMO 2006 Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe, in recognition for outstanding efforts in journalism which contributed toward better understanding in South Eastern Europe.

If you know of anyone who would be a worthy recipient of the Dr. Erhard Busek - SEEMO Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe, please send a letter to SEEMO with basic details about the person (along with a professional CV, describing why she / he should receive the award), as well as the contacts of the person (media organisation, address, phone, fax, email). In case you would like to nominate a media outlet or an organisation / institution, please always provide details of its representative, because this award can be presented only to individuals.

If your nomination is supported by an organisation / media outlet, please send us the name of the contact person supporting your nomination, as well as basic information about the organisation / media outlet. If your nomination is supported by another individual or individuals, please send us their details and contact information. We would also need your own details and contact information (address, phone, fax, email, mobile phone). Please note that members of the jury cannot be nominated for the award.

Any additional material about the nominated person (such as TV reports on video or DVD, audio reports on cassette or CD, or articles in newspapers), if possible with a short English translation, are welcomed. Unfortunately, supporting material cannot be returned, so please always send copies of the original material.

Please send your nomination and supporting documents to:

"Busek Award"
Spiegelgasse 2/29
1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 513 39 40
Fax: +43 1 512 90 15
E-mail: info@seemo.org

The deadline for applications for the 2007 Dr. Erhard Busek – SEEMO Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe is: 1 June 2007. The Award will be presented on 19 October 2007 in Vienna/Austria.
SEEMO is a regional network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in South East Europe.
SEEMO - IPI, Spiegelgasse 2/29, 1010 Vienna, Austria, Tel (SEEMO+HELP LINE): +43 1 513 39 40, Tel (SEEMO): +43 1 512 90 11 11, Fax: +43 1 512 90 15, E-mail: info@seemo.org, Web: http://www.seemo.org

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