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16. 04. 2007


BELGRADE, 16 April 2007 - The Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Ambassador Hans Ola Urstad, today condemned this weekend's bomb attack on the Serbian journalist Dejan Anastasijevic, and called for quick action in bringing the perpetrator(s) to justice.

"The OSCE Mission to Serbia denounces this attack on Mr. Anastasijevic and on freedom of expression in Serbia," said Ambassador Urstad. "Such an act hurts all Serbians. We support President Tadic, Prime Minister Kostunica and many others in urging the responsible authorities to identify and bring to justice the perpetrator(s)."

"I hope that those responsible for the threats against journalists will be brought to justice," said the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Miklos Haraszti. "It is key for any democracy that the police and the judiciary remain responsive to such manifestations of aggression against journalists and other media workers."

"A free and independent media is a fundamental feature of democracy," Ambassador Urstad added. "Threatening the media with assassination attempts is a despicable attack on democracy in Serbia. Society must guarantee that journalists can conduct their business of providing information and opinions to the public," the Head of the OSCE Mission stressed.

In a phone call to Mr. Anastasijevic, Ambassador Urstad expressed his concern and emphasized his hope that Serbian society would show zero tolerance to such criminal behaviour.

According to the police report, an unknown perpetrator(s) placed two hand grenades by the bedroom window of Mr. Anastasijevic's apartment, one of which exploded around 2.45 a.m. on 14 April. The journalist and his wife were sleeping in the bedroom. No one was injured. Mr. Anastasijevic is a leading Serbian journalist, who specializes in covering organized crime and war crimes.

"We recall that the murderers of journalists Slavko Curuvija and Milan Pantic, killed in 1999 and 2001 respectively, have not been found yet, and we place great importance on solving these cases without further delay," said Ambassador Urstad.

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