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19. 06. 2003

NUNS apologize to Vodinelic

BELGRADE, June 19, 2003 – The Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS) sent an apology on Wednesday to outgoing Broadcast Council member Vladimir Vodinelic for its earlier ...

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19. 06. 2003

Popovic sues Novosti and Djura Bilbija

BELGRADE, June 19, 2003 – Vladimir "Beba" Popovic, head of the Serbian Government's Communications Bureau, filed a suit on Wednesday against company Novosti and Belgrade daily ...

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19. 06. 2003

TV B92 now live on the Internet

BELGRADE, June 19, 2003 - From today, TV B92 programmes will be available via a live stream for domestic and international visitors to the B92 Web site. Copyright restrictions ...

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17. 06. 2003

Vladimir Vodinelic: NUNS released incorrect information

BELGRADE, June 17, 2003 – Vladimir Vodinelic, outgoing member of the Broadcast Agency Council, has rejected the claim of the Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS) that ...

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17. 06. 2003

Vladimir Popovic sues NIN

BELGRADE, June 17, 2003 -- Vladimir "Beba" Popovic, the Serbian Government's Communication Bureau chief, today filed a complaint against a journalist and chief editor of Belgrade ...

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16. 06. 2003

Government exerts pressure on media

BELGRADE, June 16, 2003 (Glas javnosti) Glas javnosti and Ipres have tried to discover what the Serbian people think about press bans and how they describe the government’s ...

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15. 06. 2003

Court rulings intimidate journalists

BELGRADE, June 15, 2003 – A Serbian court has found Dana Acimovic, editor of the Kolubara Mining Company publication, guilty of libel. In reaction, Momcilo Cebalovic, PR ...

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15. 06. 2003

Vladimir Popovic sues the Humanitarian Law Centre and RTV B92

BELGRADE, 15 June, 2003 -- Vladimir "Beba" Popovic, head of the Serbian Government's Communications Bureau, has filed suit in the First Belgrade Municipal Court against the ...

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15. 06. 2003

Radenovic sues Vodinelic

BELGRADE, 15 June, 2003 -- Goran Radenovic, disputed member of the Broadcast Agency Council, has filed libel charges against resigned Council member Vladimir Vodinelic. Speaking ...

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14. 06. 2003

DSS request the dismissal of Cekic, Cvetkovic and Radenovic

BELGRADE, 14 June, 2003 -- The Serbian Parliament's MP caucus of the Democratic Party of Serbia have requested that the parliament reverse decisions appointing Nenad Cekic ...

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