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13. 06. 2003

Human Rights Centre condemns Svedok ban

BELGRADE, 13 June, 2003 – Belgrade’s Human Rights Centre has said that the banning of distribution of the weekly Svedok, which published an interview with Milorad “Legija” ...

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13. 06. 2003

Unpaid bills could ruin Radio Serbia-Montenegro

BELGRADE, 13 June, 2003 – Radio Serbia-Montenegro has announced that it could stop broadcasting at any moment because of unpaid electricity bills, which have accumulated over ...

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13. 06. 2003

Vodinelic still civil sector candidate

BELGRADE, 13 June, 2003 – A day after the third Broadcast Agency resignation, this time of member Vladimir Vodinelic, representatives of the non-governmental sector in Serbia ...

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13. 06. 2003

New parliamentary debate on the Broadcast Council

BELGRADE, 13 June, 2003 – The ruling DOS coalition have announced that a new parliamentary debate will have to be launched on the work of the Broadcast Agency Council following ...

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11. 06. 2003

Another Broadcast Council member resigns

BELGRADE, June 11, 2003 -- Wednesday – A second member of the Broadcast Agency Council, Vladimir Vodinelic, resigned today after the Council refused to discuss his proposal ...

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11. 06. 2003

B92 ratings forge ahead

BELGRADE, June 11, 2003 (Beta) – Radio B92 and Radio Belgrade First Program share the first position in listener popularity according to the latest ratings research by Marten ...

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11. 06. 2003

Revision of the Information Act proposed

BELGRADE, 11 June, 2003 – Eighteen representatives of the most influential local media and professional organisations in Serbia have written a joint letter to the Serbian ...

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11. 06. 2003

Vodinelic resigns from the Broadcast Council

BELGRADE, 11 June, 2003 – Professor Vladimir Vodinelic has become the second member of the Broadcast Agency Council to resign from the new body. Explaining his decision ...

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11. 06. 2003

Snjezana Milivojevic resigns

BELGRADE, 11 June, 2003 – Broadcast Agency Council member Snjezana Milivojevic has tendered her resignation and forwarded it to the Serbian Parliament ...

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10. 06. 2003

Danas present awards on sixth anniversary

BELGRADE, 10 June, 2003 – Milo Vasic, journalist of Belgrade daily Danas, said yesterday at the celebration of the publication’s sixth anniversary: “As long as we right the ...

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