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12. 05. 2003

Borba struggles with huge debts

BELGRADE, 12 May, 2003 – Zoran Kalicanin, newly appointed director of the Borba Company, said yesterday that he has discovered massive debts and numerous illegalities since ...

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09. 05. 2003

Milanovic sues Beta for publishing quotes

BELGRADE, 9 May, 2003 – Former Radio Television Serbia director Dragoljub Milanovic is suing agency Beta. The agency has learned from the investigative court that Milanovic ...

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08. 05. 2003

Radenovic’s watchdog candidacy to be debated

BELGRADE, 8 May, 2003 – The Serbian Parliament’s next session will see a debate and a vote on the proposed ninth member of the republic’s Broadcast Agency Council, Goran Radenovic. Radenovic ...

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07. 05. 2003

Radosavljevic libel suit continues

NOVI SAD, 7 May, 2003 – The latest hearing of the libel suit filed by Dusko Radosavljevic against Danas journalist Marija Males was held before a court council of the Novi ...

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07. 05. 2003

INFO 24 replaces bankrupt Yu Info

BELGRADE, 7 May, 2003 -- Bankruptcy-bound television channel Yu Info has been replaced by new channel INFO 24. This Serbia-Montenegro informative channel will broadcast ...

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07. 05. 2003

Tanjug denies bankruptcy rumour

BELGRADE, 7 May, 2003 -- Dusan Dakovic, editor-in-chief of the Belgrade-based news agency Tanjug, has refuted information claiming that his media company is heading for bankruptcy ...

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07. 05. 2003

300,000-dinar fine for discrimination of journalists

BELGRADE, May 7, 2003 – FoNet has learnt that the Serbian Government’s draft law on access to information of public importance stipulates that state bodies of power must not ...

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22. 04. 2003

Council Appointments “Damaging” to Broadcast Watchdog

BELGRADE, April 22, 2003 -- A fierce debate has developed about the legality of procedures in appointing two members of the Serbian Broadcast Agency Council on April 11. Three ...

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21. 03. 2003

Journalists Protest Over Serbia Press Gag: "Censorship Will Only Make Crisis Worse"

Journalists are warning that draconian measures to combat organised crime in the wake of the assassination last week of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic will only make ...

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15. 03. 2003


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Pravni monitoring
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New Media Laws

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