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11. 02. 2003

Kostunica Apologises To Activists

POZAREVAC, February 11, 2003 – The president of the Democratic Party of Serbia, Vojislav Kostunica, has apologised to Otpor activists in Pozarevac over police behaviour. “It ...

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11. 02. 2003

Journalist Defence Calls For Judge Disqualification

NOVI SAD, February 11, 2003 – A lawyer representing Danas journalist Marija Males yesterday demanded the suspension of Novi Sad Municipal Court Danijela Kozmora. Kozmora ...

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07. 02. 2003

Striking State Media Workers Demand Djelic Meeting

BELGRADE, February 7, 2003 – Radio Television Serbia union leader Vojin Zivanovic said yesterday that no action will be taken to interrupt programming until a meeting is held ...

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07. 02. 2003

Journalists Deny Police Claims

BELGRADE, February 7, 2003 – Journalist Jovica Krtinic said yesterday that other journalists would give evidence in proceedings against him for assault of a policeman. Krtinic ...

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06. 02. 2003

Police Charge Reporter Journalist

BELGRADE, February 6, 2003 (B92) -- Belgrade police have filed charges against journalist Jovica Krtinic of the weekly Reporter on the grounds that he attacked a policeman ...

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06. 02. 2003

Illegal Arrest Of Journalist Alleged

POZAREVAC, February 6, 2003 – Criminal charges have been filed against the former head of the Pozarevac police, Radisa Jovic, former heads of the crime unit, Velibor Ivanovic ...

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05. 02. 2003

Kikindske Novine Verdict Upheld

KIKINDA, February 5, 2003 – The Zrenjanin Court has upheld the ruling of Smilja Radin-Saric, judge of the Kikinda municipal court, who found the editor of the paper Kikindske ...

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04. 02. 2003

Lawyers Accuse RTS Of Being Responsible For Lynch Atmosphere

BELGRADE, February 4, 2003 – Lawyers of the four people convicted in the “Ibar highway case” sent an open letter to RTS heads saying that “from the very beginning, RTS has ...

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04. 02. 2003

Policemen Charged Over Arrest Of Journalists

POZAREVAC, February 4, 2003 – The Pozarevac municipal public prosecutor Miroslav Vojinovic decided today to bring charges against former chief of the Pozarevac police department ...

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03. 02. 2003

Serb Journalists Boycott Steiner

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, February 3, 2003 – Journalists from a number of Serbian media outlets decided on Saturday against reporting on UNMIK chief Michael Steiner’s visit to northern ...

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