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28. 01. 2003

Jug Grizelj Award to Ivan Torov

BELGRADE, January 28, 2004 – This Year’s recipient of the Jug Grezelj Award for outstanding achievements in investigative journalism ahs been awarded to Politika journalist ...

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28. 01. 2003

Norwegians Provide Journalist Training

BELGRADE, January 28, 2003 – The first intake of students has begun attending international specialist studies in journalism, organised jointly by Oslo University College ...

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28. 01. 2003

State Television on Strike Today

BELGRADE, January 28, 2003 – The Nezavisnost union of state media employees is to begin industrial action today after the company management and the Serbian Government failed ...

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28. 01. 2003

Press-Education Partnership Urged

BELGRADE, January 28, 2003 – The Newspapers in Education project, a plan to establish a partnership between educational institutions and the press, was launched yesterday. The ...

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24. 01. 2003

Media Subscription Plan Delayed

BELGRADE, January 24, 2003 – The introduction of compulsory subscriptions to Radio Television Serbia services will be postponed until the Broadcast Agency Council is established ...

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24. 01. 2003

Journalists’ Day in Montenegro

PODGORICA, January 24, 2003 – The Association of Montenegrin Journalists yesterday presented its traditional Journalists’ Day awards, which commemorate the first issue of ...

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23. 01. 2003

New Independent Print House by September

BELGRADE, January 23, 2003 – Private publishers in Serbia are to have access to a new printer by September under an agreement signed today by the Association of Private Electronic ...

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23. 01. 2003

Rating the Raters

BELGRADE, January 23, 2003 – Yugoslavia’s International Advertising Association is seeking to establish an independent body to monitor television ratings, in order to set ...

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23. 01. 2003

RTV Novi Sad Strike to Begin on January 28

NOVI SAD, January 23, 2003 – Radio Television Novi Sad staff are to take industrial action from January 28. Employees are dissatisfied with lists of redundant staff drawn ...

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23. 01. 2003

Procedural Delays

BELGRADE, January 23, 2003 – The Public Information Bill and draft legislation on free access to information of public importance could be tabled in the Serbian Parliament ...

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