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13. 11. 2002

Montenegrin Media Legislation Amended

PODGORICA, November 13, 2002 – The Montenegrin Parliament yesterday brought forward the date on which its new media legislation comes into effect. The legislation, originally ...

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12. 11. 2002

Control of Radio 021 Goes to Staff

NOVI SAD, November 12, 2002 - Zvonko Tarle, chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of 33.3 per cent of shares of Radio 021 said today that he would present his share ...

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11. 11. 2002

Debate on Media Legislation Scheduled

PODGORICA, November 11, 2002 – The speaker of the Montenegrin Parliament, Filip Vujanovic, has called a regular session of the parliament for November 12. On the agenda ...

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11. 11. 2002

ANEM Calls for Live Broadcast of Trial

BELGRADE, November 11, 2002 – The Association of Independent Electronic Media has called for the trial of a journalist from Novi-Sad Radio 021. Journalist Asli Djuricin ...

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08. 11. 2002

KFOR Drops Escorts for Serb Journalists

GRACANICA, November 8, 2002 (Beta) -- KFOR has refused to provide journalists with escort from Gracanica to Pristina explaining that "security conditions have improved". Journalists ...

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08. 11. 2002

New Director of Jugoimport Alleges Libel

BELGRADE, November 8, 2002 – The newly appointed director of arms scandal company Jugoimport has announced he will file a complaint for libel against Belgrade daily Blic. The ...

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06. 11. 2002

Journalists Interrogated over Uniform Scandal Reports

VRANJE, November 6, 2002 – The Vranje Municipal Court has begun investigation of four journalists, local correspondents of Belgrade papers and one staffer for the local Slobodna ...

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06. 11. 2002

Court Returns Damages for Re-Evaluation

POZAREVAC, November 6, 2002 – The Pozarevac Municipal Court Council has overturned a ruling of the court which awarded 30,000 dinars to Danas correspondent Mile Veljkovic ...

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31. 10. 2002

Anem Protests at Pressure on Vojvodina Radio

BELGRADE, October 31, 2002 – The Association of Independent Electronic Broadcasters has protested against the practice of using anonymous letters to put pressure on the media. ANEM ...

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29. 10. 2002

Award for War Journalist

BELGRADE, October 29, 2002 – Belgrade journalist Dejan Anastasijevic has won this year's Dusan Boogavac Award for ethics and courage in journalism. The award, a cash prize ...

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New Media Laws

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The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of ANEM and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.


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