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19. 10. 2002

Criminal Charges Against Former Radio Director

VLADICIN HAN, October 19, 2002 – The sacked head of Radio Vladicin Han, Branka Djuric Tasic burst into the station’s premises on Saturday night, threatening and harassing ...

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18. 10. 2002

Key Media Legislation Needed

BELGRADE, October 18, 2002 – The lack of systematic media laws in Serbia is one of the major obstacles to the freedom of public information as the necessary basis of the process ...

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18. 10. 2002

TV Boss Sacked for Seselj Promotion

SMEDEREVO, October 18, 2002 – The recently appointed TV Smederevo editor in chief Milan Blagojevic has been sacked because, without consulting anyone, he changed the program ...

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18. 10. 2002

Cacanski Glas Director Resigns

CACAK, October 18, 2002 – The former director of the publishing company Cacanski glas, today said that his resignation was a moral act. Dragan Kovacevic said that he was ...

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17. 10. 2002

TV Cacak Issues a Statement

CACAK, October 17, 2002 - Regarding the statement from New Serbia which emphasises Velimir Ilic did not storm the Television Cacak premises and that this was confirmed by ...

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17. 10. 2002

Korac on Television Cacak Incident

BELGRADE, October 17, 2002 - "The behaviour of Velimir Ilic and his attitude to journalists and media are such that no comment is needed any more. The public knows everything,” ...

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16. 10. 2002

B92 Libel Case Adjourned

BELGRADE, October 16, 2002 – The first hearing at the Smederevska Palanka Municipal Court in the lawsuit filed against B92 by local municipal official and Democratic Party ...

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16. 10. 2002

Cacanski Glas Director Resigns

CACAK, October 16, 2002 - Dragan Kovacevic, director of Cacanski glas and New Serbia MP handed in his resignation on Tuesday without giving any explanation. He said he ...

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16. 10. 2002

Branko Vojicic Acquitted

PODGORICA, October 16, 2002 – The editor-in-chief of the weekly Monitor, Branko Vojicic, has been acquitted of libel charges. RTS journalist Mila Stula recently filed libel ...

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15. 10. 2002

Suits Over Television Cacak Incident

CACAK, October 15, 2002 – The series of incidents on Television Cacak with Mayor Velimir Ilic resumed yesterday with criminal charges from both sides. Journalists of TV ...

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