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06. 10. 2002

Newsreader Doesn’t

PODGORICA, October 6, 2002 - A newsreader on Montenegro's state television last night refused to read a statement issued by the UN Consulate at the beginning of the network's ...

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06. 10. 2002

Editors of Bor Media Replaced

BOR, October 6, 2002 – The board of directors of the Press, Radio and Film public company in Bor have replaced the editors in chief of the company. Members of the Board ...

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06. 10. 2002

RTV Pink’s Statement About B92

BELGRADE, October 6, 2002 - After several days of campaign against RTV B92, the board of directors of RTV Pink issued a statement today. " RTV Pink’s Board of Directors ...

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27. 09. 2002

Independent Media Facing Fresh Attacks

BELGRADE, September 27, 2002 -- The Association of Independent Electronic Media today objected publicly to the renewed exploitation of the judiciary in attempt to suppress ...

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27. 09. 2002

B92 Denies Ownership Accusations

BELGRADE, September 27, 2002 - Radio Television B92 takes exception to an article published on September 25, 2002, in Podgorica daily Publika and extensively quoted in TV ...

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26. 09. 2002

"Nezavisna Svetlost" Journalist Convicted and Fined

KRAGUJEVAC, September 26, 2002 - In Kragujevac, on September 25 this year, Judge Zorica Djuric of the Municipal Court convicted and fined Nezavisna svetlost journalist Gordana ...

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26. 09. 2002

Head of the Kursumlija Municipal Council Lays the Blame on Journalists

KURSUMLIJA, September 26, 2002 – Head of the Kursumlija Municipal Council Dragan Rajevic has sent a request to RTS demanding that it remove TV Kursumlija’s transmission equipment ...

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26. 09. 2002

New Attacks on RTV B92

BELGRADE, September 26, 2002 – Radio Television B92 takes exception to an article published on September 25, 2002, in Podgorica daily Publika and extensively quoted in TV ...

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26. 09. 2002

CESID: Objective Media Coverage of the Election Campaign

BELGRADE, September 26, 2002 -- So far the media have had a very objective coverage of the media campaign. For the first time after the introduction of a multi-party system ...

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25. 09. 2002

No privileges for media veterans in Serbia

The Serbian prime minister has denied claims that the Serbian electronic media now find themselves in a situation which in some aspects is worse than that under the former ...

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Pravni monitoring
ANEM campaigns


New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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