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02. 09. 2002

Former State Media Director in Bor to Sue

BOR, September 2, 2002 - Former RTB Bor director Ninoslav Cvetanoviæ said today that he would sue the local Danas correspondent in the Eastern Serbian city of Bor. Cvetanovic ...

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30. 08. 2002

Resignations at UNS

BELGRADE, August 30, 2002 - Three officials of the Association of Serbian Journalists, Dusan Drazic, Slobodan Bukvic and Vjekoslav Radovic, yesterday resigned, accusing association ...

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29. 08. 2002

Prosecutor seeks harsher punishment for Milanovic

BELGRADE, August 29, 2002 – The Belgrade district prosecutor has asked the Serbian Supreme Court to sentence former Radio Television Serbia general director Dragoljub Milanovic ...

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29. 08. 2002

Debate on media laws postponed

PODGORICA, August 29, 2002 – At the request of the Serbian People’s Party, the Montenegrin Parliament has postponed its debate on media legislation. The Parliamentary ...

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29. 08. 2002

Better TV signal

GNJILANE, August 29, 2002 – For three years now Serbs living in the region of Kosovsko Pomoravlje have been unable to watch the state television channels. The problem ...

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28. 08. 2002

Curuvija brother seeks dismissal of police minister

BELGRADE, August 28, 2002. – The brother of murdered journalist Slavko Curuvija has called on the Serbian parliament to replace Serbia’s minister of police, Dusan Mihajlovic. According ...

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26. 08. 2002

Djindjic contests Der Spiegel report

BERLIN, August 26, 2002. – Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, reacting to a story published in the August 12 edition of German weekly Der Spiegel on his strong ties with ...

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23. 08. 2002

Serbia: Bombs to market forces

Serbia: Bombs to market forces All chaos in media front The Democrats are in power; Slobodan Milosevic and his propagandist journalists are gone. Or are they? Assumptions ...

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23. 08. 2002

Agreement reached on media monitoring

PODGORICA, August 23, 2002 – Representatives of Montenegrin parliamentary parties reached agreement on media and election legislation at a roundtable meeting attended by OSCE ...

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23. 08. 2002

Gordana Comic: Media must respect morals and the facts

POZAREVAC, 23.8.2002 – Deputy speaker of the Serbian Parliament, Gordana Comic from the Democratic Party announced in Pozarevac that new media regulations will be completed ...

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Pravni monitoring
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New Media Laws

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