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26. 06. 2008


Observatory publishes new IRIS plus report

Strasbourg, June 26th, 2008 (European Audiovisual Observatory) - ’Cultural diversity’ has become such a buzz word nowadays. It seems to be evoked in any situation ranging from local arts events to the current debate in France concerning the recognition of regional languages in the country’s Constitution. And yet there seem to be few real debates on what this concept actually entails, particularly in the light of the new media technologies available for conveying ‘culture’. The European Audiovisual Observatory has just released a brand new report freely downloadable here which examines the concept of cultural identity, explains why it should be promoted and looks closely at the role of new media technologies in achieving this.

The author, Tarlach McGonagle, a Researcher at the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Information Law (IViR) opens his report by looking at the various definitions of culture and cultural rights. He also examines the various international texts which incorporate these concepts such as the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity or Article 27 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. McGonagle concludes this initial examination of these concepts by stating that “the exercise of cultural rights […] entails the right to maintain and develop one’s cultural identity, lead particular lifestyles, participate in cultural life and assemble, associate and organise for cultural purposes”.

Read full item here: http://www.obs.coe.int/about/oea/pr/irisplus0608.html


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