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23. 09. 2008


Sombor, September 23, 2008 (Pregled) – The thirteenth International Festival of Reportage, “Interfer 2008” will be held in Sombor from September 26 to 28 – the National Tourist Organization of Serbia announced.

“Interfer” has been held in Sombor since 1996 as an annual manifestation of encounters and competition of journalists in their professional skills and of fostering one of the most attractive journalistic expressions – reportage. Since then, more than a thousand journalists and reporters (from Serbia and abroad) took part in it, with more than three thousand reportages in all the media categories: print media, radio and television.

The best authors are granted several prizes at the festival – the first prize “Laza Kostić”, the gold, silver and bronze awards, and since 2002 there has also existed a prize for one’s life’s work. The founder of the manifestation is Dragomir Jerković, a journalist and publicist from Belgrade, and the organizer and executive producer is RTV “Spektar” from Sombor.

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