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15. 09. 2008


Sombor/Apatin, September 15, 2008 (Danas) – The decision of the Serbian Radio-Diffusion Agency (RRA) Council on withdrawing frequencies has, naturally, caused the dissatisfaction of radio and TV stations in Sombor and Apatin, since they cannot function any more. The practitioners in question are revolted by the RRA Council; some of them are announcing lawsuits, while others are handing in their resignations. Also, there is a lingering flicker of hope that the permission will be granted in the second round.

TV “Kanal 54” from Sombor has respected the decision and does not broadcast the program via terrestrial radio-diffusion stations, but it has not ceased working. That TV station is within the cable network in Sombor, Apatin, Kula and Vrbas, and its reduced viewing rates will impact its financial income.

- My first objection refers to RRA reaching decisions on the spur of the moment. Why did they not visit the TV and radio stations and recognize the technical and other possibilities? They were satisfied with the papers, not bothering to check “hidden truths” in the documentation. There was also political lobbying, and I have induced a lawsuit against the former mayor of Sombor, because he had, in writing, recommended that the frequency ought to be awarded to TV Spektar. Almost half a year ago I filed a complaint to the Supreme Court, and the RRA Council threatened to use draconic measures on July 31 with all those who did not cease to broadcast the program by August 31 – says for “Danas” Milisav Dučić, the owner of “Kanal 54”, the television broadcasting since 1994.

Radio Apatin cancelled their program on August 31, perhaps for good. The radio station had been founded in 1969, and its frequency was given to Radio Dunav, which was founded in 2005. The practitioners at Radio Apatin believe, as they have repeatedly stated, that they have the advantage: in terms of the program, staff, equipment, as well as bilingual program. The petition to reissue the permit to Radio Apatin was signed by more than 4000 citizens and supported by the local self-government.

- There is still a slight chance that we might get the license in the second round, but that does not diminish the dispiritedness of the staff – said Predrag Banić, the acting director of the Info Center in Apatin. Radio Apatin belongs to the Center’s media.

The journalists have continued to work for the local biweekly newspaper “Glas komune”. The four sound engineers are already preparing for work in the cable TV, and the local officials have announced that nobody would be dismissed. However, the employees are wondering what will happen when privatization comes. The Info Center, comprising Radio Apatin and “Glas komune”, was meant to be sold at an auction; however, there were no potential purchasers. Thus, it is only natural for them to wonder until when the local budget support will last.

- Our frequency did not disturb anyone. We regularly paid our obligations to the state. The five of us, employees, regularly received salaries, so I really do not see why we were not issued the license. We had our listeners, we are technically well-equipped, and the next step was to evolve into a television station. However, the five of us now “belong” to the Labor Market Institute – complained Milorad Radović, the owner of RTV “Sreća”.

Radović added that he had filed a complaint several months before, when he was notified that he had not been allocated the frequency. The response arrived on September 1, together with the prohibition of further work.

- I cannot explain how I feel. I am burdened with a feeling of injustice. Is it at all necessary to explain what it is like to be on the dole these days? – asks Ružica Parčetić, now already the former announcer in “Sreća”.

RTV “Spektar” has received a license to broadcast television program, but it had to cease broadcasting the program of the radio station carrying the same name, which had been, as employees say, “one of Sombor brands”. Radio “Sonet” has also ceased their program.

- No employees will be made redundant, because TV “Spektar” has ambitious programs and will employ the workers of both radio stations – stresses Zorica Bakić, the editor-in-chief of that television.

April Fool’s Day

Radio “BB” received the broadcasting license on April 1 this year, but its eight-year validity proved to be an April fool’s Day joke.

- Having received a local frequency, I waited for 60 days, and when I considered the permission to be legally valid, I started to obtain state-of-the-art studio equipment, I rented a 160-square-meter office downtown Sombor, engaged contractors and contacted national minorities associations in order to broaden the scope of the program. Nevertheless, as soon as I finished the refurbishment and was about to move into the office, I found out that the permit had been revoked. I was informed by associates from other radio stations, whereas I received the documentation from the RRA Council only on September 4. I really do not know what to say, except that I have spent a lot of money, gone into debt and that I feel swindled. I do not know whether, when and from whom I will be able to demand reimbursement, or whether it is worth filing a lawsuit at all – says Goran Medić, the radio station owner.

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