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08. 12. 2008


Public service broadcaster fails to secure Republic Broadcasting Agency's approval for digital broadcasting

TIJANIC: We cannot wait for the adoption of strategy

Belgrade, December 8, 2008 (Danas) – Radio Television of Serbia has failed to secure the approval of the Republic Broadcasting Agency necessary for the launch of full-day digital broadcasting of cultural and art programming, Danas reports.

Although the public service broadcaster is the main and leading factor in the process of digitalization, in accordance with the Strategy of Development of Broadcasting, the RTS has begun digital broadcasting without notifying the Republic Broadcasting Agency or delivering any explanation as required.

The CEO of the RTS, Aleksandar Tijanic, interviewed by Danas, points out that representatives or the public service broadcaster are preparing a request for license for permanent broadcasting of digital programme, which will be delivered to the RBA next month.

Goran Karadzic, deputy president of the RBA, told us that the Agency plans to allow the RTS to begin permanent broadcasting of digital programme "in the future".

Belgrade – Radio Television of Serbia has failed to secure the approval of the Republic Broadcasting Agency necessary for the launch of full-day digital broadcasting of cultural and art programming, Danas reports.

Although the public service broadcaster is the main and leading factor in the process of digitalization, in accordance with the Strategy of Development of Broadcasting, the RTS has begun digital broadcasting without notifying the Republic Broadcasting Agency or delivering any explanation as required.

Also, it is unclear how the RTS managed to launch digital broadcasting, taking into account that Serbia lacks any plan of allocation of digital frequencies at the moment, and that the Republic Broadcasting Agency and the Republic Telecommunication Agency have already issued licenses for analog broadcasting. Serbian public service broadcaster has most probably used one of its analog frequencies for the purpose of digital programme broadcasting.

However, the CEO of the RTS, Aleksandar Tijanic, points out in his interview for Danas that representatives or the public service broadcaster are preparing a request for license for permanent broadcasting of digital programme that will be delivered to the RBA next month.

- We hope that the RBA will react positively, since we have only a temporary license. The only way to launch the process of digitalization is to broadcast a full-day programme using a digital signal. Serbia has no legislation regulating the digitalization of broadcasters, and the RTS cannot wait for the adoption of the strategy of transition from analog to digital broadcasting and other regulations, explains Tijanic.

Tijanic says that Serbian public service broadcaster has been broadcasting experimental programme between Novi Sad and Belgrade, but only for a few hours a day, "which prompted us to begin 24-hour broadcasting". In his words, RTS receives no revenue from the digitally broadcast culture channel because there is no marketing operation.

- We have realized that we can maintain such a channel, and according to the Strategy of Development of Broadcasting, the RTS is the only participant that is obliged to implement digitalization in Serbia, Tijanic points out.

On the occasion of marking of half century of television, on Wednesday, November 26, the RTS has begun broadcasting full-day digital art and culture programme. The RTS has decided to broadcast culture and art content in the digital format on its first thematic channel, domestic and foreign documentary films, feature films and other programmes with such content, as well as the children programme.

Goran Karadzic, deputy president of the RBA, told Danas that this Agency plans to allow the RTS to begin permanent broadcasting of digital programme "in the future", but he doesn't know how long the experimental broadcasting will last because preparation of the strategy of transition from analog to digital broadcasting has not been finished.

- The problem is that there is a very small number of citizens who can afford the digital signal at the moment, says Karadzic, adding that the RBA has decided to organize a meeting with the Managing Board of the RTS to discuss this and other issues.

The Strategy of Development of Broadcasting in Serbia until 2013 specifies that the RBA will stimulate fast transition to digital programme broadcasting. "Although the Broadcasting Law stipulates that the public service broadcaster is the only entity that is legally obliged to implement plans of transition to new digital technologies, the RBA will aim to make experimental digital channels available to all interested broadcasters", reads the Strategy.

The Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society has established an interdisciplinary work group that is currently working on solution for the period of transition from analog to digital broadcasting, since Serbian licenses for national broadcasting are valid until 2015, while the regional and local broadcasting licenses will expire in 2014. This means that Serbia must introduce digital programme broadcasting before June 17, 2015.

Apart from the Ministry of Telecommunication, this work group for strategy includes representatives from the Republic Telecommunication Agency, the Ministry of Culture and the Republic Broadcasting Agency. The Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society is in charge of regulation, the Telecommunication Agency covers technical and economic issues, while the Ministry of Culture and the RBA are responsible for promotion of digitalization and programme content, respectively. This plan will have to define whether Serbia has technical preconditions necessary for the transition period, since the Telecommunication Agency has already issued all broadcasting licenses and there are no available frequencies for digital broadcasting.

Citizens will be able to create their own schedule

Digital broadcasting is a relatively new technology in the larger part of the world as well. Compared to analog broadcasting, it offers better picture with little or no noise. Digital television also offers 16:9 picture format and the ability to surf the Internet and shop from home... Apart from that, viewers will be able to receive data and more TV services like translation of all content, audio channels and detailed information on programme content. Also, viewers will have the possibility to enjoy delayed broadcasting, choose programmes to watch, create their own schedule, fast forward the advertisements, as well as to record the shows. Deaf people will have permanent translation.

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