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10. 12. 2008


Novi Sad, December 10, 2008 (Dnevnik) – Provincial secretariat for information will place more emphasis on education of journalists and managers in the media, and a special sector will be formed for the purpose, announced the department secretary, Ana Tomanova Makanova. She added that a campaign of professional linguistic advancement will be launched in cooperation with national councils.

- We will organize education courses, offer scholarships and employ trainees, in cooperation with the media and institutions of local self-government, says Tomanova Makanova. Beginning with the next year, precise rules will be established for contests of this secretariat for participation in co-financing of programs for print and electronic media. International round table entitled "The Media in the Age of Media", with guests from ten European countries, as well as the representatives of media from Vojvodina, will be held on December, 11.

- Every person who wants to be literate, must also achieve media literacy, which means that they must not be passive consumers of media products, said the president of the Media Education Centre, Momir Rajcevic, and announced that today, on the day of celebration of the 60-year anniversary of adoption of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, an international workshop will be held in Becej, together with a joint project of children from Vojvodina and Berlin, "European Children Radio Bridge".

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