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13. 01. 2009


Six-year radio and TV program digitalization process commences

The investment is worth approximately 50 million euros, and the global deadline has been set by the International Telecommunication Union

Belgrade, January 13, 2009 (Blic) – The radio and television program digitalization, which has just begun, will bring the citizens of Serbia more channels, new services such as electronic purchase or video on demand, as well as special services for the disabled and other citizens with special needs. The relevant ministry has estimated the costs of 20 to 50 euros per analogue TV set for the most unprivileged citizens.

We are starting off the process as a signatory country of the GE06 Agreement, by which Serbia has obliged itself to change to the digital emission of radio and TV signal by June 17, 2015, just like other European countries. Were it not accomplished, the digital signals from neighboring states would cover our analogue ones, and it would be impossible to follow TV programs.

- The investment is worth approximately 50 million euros, and the global deadline has been set by the International Telecommunication Union. However, EU members have agreed to speed things up and modify the deadline to year 2012 – the Minister of Telecommunications, Jasna Matić, stated at the press conference, pointing out that we are far behind the other countries in the region.

The first step in the digitalization process are round tables, which will be organized at faculties of electrical engineering, their main topic being the strategy of substituting analogue radio and TV program broadcasting with the digital technology. The strategy ought to be adopted in the first quarter of year 2009, but it also requires new legal regulations.  That is why the Ministry is working on the Draft Electronic Communications Act, which should liberalize the electronic communication sector. The public debate on the Draft Act is expected in fall, and its adoption towards the end of the year.

Besides, new technological solutions for the production of program content are deemed necessary, as well as financing the broadcasting and receiving technology. Minister Matić has announced that citizens would have to purchase new radio and TV receivers on their own. Actually, according to a government decision, the broadcasting technology will be severed from the system of the Radio-Television of Serbia, a radio-diffusion institution, and will be organized as an independent corporate institution, whereby program broadcasting will be separated from production.

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