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23. 10. 2009


21 companies to be sold at the auction scheduled for December 11.

Belgrade, October 23, 2009 (Pregled) - The Privatization Agency will auction 21 companies on December 11, including 12 local media with the total of 236 members of staff (37 with tertiary level of education). First on the auction list is Public Company Radio Smederevo, with the estimated capital to be privatized around 288 thousand Euros. This equals to 82.4 percent of the total capital of the company, out of which over 42 percent is public capital. The starting price for Radio Smederevo will be 5.4 million dinars, while the mandatory investment is 4.9 million. As specified in the bid, part of the state capital of this company, which employs 17 people, will have to be paid immediately in full, while for the rest the same conditions apply as for other media - meaning that old savings will be accepted as payment with the validity on the day of the sale in the first and all other payment due dates in the second bidding.

TV Smederevo with 43 employees is also on the bidding list. The starting price for 70 percent of the company's total capital is 90 thousand dinars, while the minimal investment is 2.5 million dinars. Furthermore, two media that will be offered separately are Radio Cacak with 6.1 million dinars as a starting price and minimal investment of 582 thousand dinars and 5 members of staff, and TV Cacak, with the estimated starting price of just over 6 million dinars and investment of at least 1.7 million dinars. TV Cacak employs 40 people and unlike the radio, has achieved operating income of about one million dinars more than expenditures.

Radio Pozega will also be offered to potential buyers, with 1.2 million dinars as starting price and mandatory investment of 352 thousand dinars. Radio Pozega has five employees. TV Pozega, with one employee and starting price of just over 3 million and minimal investment of 316 thousand dinars will also be auctioned. RTV Vrnjacka Banja, employing 44 members of staff and whose capital, intended for privatization, is estimated on around 30.400 Euros, will be offered for a starting price of 283 thousand dinars and investment of 1.4 million dinars. Radio Obrenovac (18 employees) will be auctioned at a starting price of 134 thousand and investment of 75 thousand dinars. Regional television TV Valjevo (16 employees) will be offered at starting price of 289 thousand and minimal investment of 1.3 million dinars. Finally, Radio Mladenovac, with 4 employees, will be offered to new owners at a starting price of 2.5 million dinars with a minimal obligatory investment of quite puzzling 1.000 dinars; Radio Valjevo, with 16 employees, at a starting price of 5.7 million and obligatory investment of 396 thousand dinars and RTV Barajevo (6 employees) at a starting price of 3.2 million and minimal investment of 180.000 dinars.

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