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12. 11. 2009


Publication "Monitoring of the media scene in Serbia" officially presented

Belgrade, November 12, 2009 (Pregled) - There are no improvements in the media sector in Serbia and the economic deterioration of the media continues, this is one of the findings of the monitoring of the Serbian scene, presented in the second ANEM publication "Monitoring of the media scene in Serbia", officially presented at the round table held yesterday in Belgrade's Media Center.

The publication, which represents the continuation and upgrade of results of the legal monitoring, conducted in the period August-October 2009, also states that nothing has been done to alleviate the position of the media and that the Government still has not shown enough interest to implement the adopted measures and support media. Poor changes of the regulatory framework, against the will of the media, continued, and the manner in which were made and their possible ill-effects significantly contribute to deterioration of already difficult situation of the media, is stated in the Publication. The findings of the legal monitoring of the Serbian media scene show that the announced drafting of the media strategy, which should define the goals and priorities as well as the principles and values that would be cared for, has not gone far from that. Snjezana Milivojevic, professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences, noted that various public institutions and media communities "are intimidated" by the increasing changes in the media and did not perceive them as a new opportunity.

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