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29. 01. 2010


Novi Sad, January 29, 2010 (Danas) - For the first time, the city of Novi Sad will get a representative Media Center such as those in Belgrade and Nis. This Media Center will be significant not only for the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNV), for its self-sustainability, stability and employment, but this will also be a benefit to the provincial and the city government - said President of NDNV Dinko Gruhonjic. The Media Center of Vojvodina will be located in NDNV premises in Zmaj Jovina Street 3.

Gruhonjic reminded that NDNV had been in very difficult position last year, when they were evicted from the premises, which they have occupied for 19 years, since the property had been returned to the church. He thanked the city authorities because they recognized the significance of this Association and provided a new space for theirs premises. This year is 20th anniversary of NDNV existence and this is the oldest independent journalist association in former Yugoslavia.

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