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20. 10. 2010

Freedom of media in Serbia

Belgrade, 20.10.2010. (B92) - Serbia ranks 85 among 178 countries in the latest annual report on media freedom released by Reporters without Borders (RSF).

Serbia is ranked 7 places above Kosovo taking 92. place, and below Croatia (62), BIH (47) and Slovenia (46). Montenegro is placed 104th.  

In the list of 178 countries, as RSF estimates, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Netherlands are at the first six places sharing the equal number of "penalty points" - zero.

The report is stated that the Balkan countries still cause concerns and that Montenegro (-27), Macedonia (-34), Serbia (-23) and Kosovo (-17) has recorded major drop.

"Although the legislative reforms required for accession to the EU have been adopted in most Balkan countries, their implementation is still in the embryonic - if not non-existent  - stage", it is estimated in the RFS report.

This organization estimates that work of the journalists is increasingly difficult because of "control of the public and private media by the calculated use of institutional advertising budgets and the collusion between political and judicial circles"

"An increasing portion of journalists are settling for a calculated self-censorship or a mercenary journalism which pays better, but gradually ruins the profession's credibility", the report points out.  

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