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21. 10. 2010


Novi Sad, 21.10.2010. (Dnevnik) - As the only media house in the Danube region broadcasting its program in ten different languages, Radio-television of Vojvodina is nominated for the coordinator of the Danube Media Network (DAME), which will be officially established at the end of the month in Novi Sad, said Dusko Susak, the Assistant Director of  the Vojvodina Radio-broadcasting Institution, to the representatives of the embassies of the Danube river countries in Sremski Karlovci.  The representatives of the embassies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine got acquainted with the DA-ME project yesterday. The idea of the Danube Media Network came from the need for connecting and better information sharing in the region. Currently, there is no institution which collects the media material from the region at one place; there is not information sharing at daily level neither sharing special business nor other relevant data. All these, together with establishing a joint media archive, organizing regional radio and TV festivals and professional seminars, will be tasks of the Danube Media Network.

The most important thing is that we, as the region, perceive each other after 20 years of separation. We have a common goal, which is the EU accession, and I believe that it could be accelerated by information sharing and understanding, said Borisa Arnaut, the BiH Ambassador in Serbia.

- What we could expect from the Danube Media Network is that all countries that we have invited support our initiative to create the declaration which will present the starting point for institutionalizing the Danube Strategy and the Danube Network, which will contribute to a more professional and successful cooperation, stated Dusko Susak.

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