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19. 10. 2010

New RTS editors

Belgrade, 19.10.2010. (Dnevnik) - The Steering Committee of Radio-television of Serbia appointed new RTS managers on the proposal of Aleksandar Tijanic, General Director of RTS. TV Belgrade Director is still Nikola Mirkov, Director of Radio Belgrade is Dusan Radulovic and the Informative Program Editor in Chief Nenad Lj. Stefanovic.  Editor in Chief of the cultural and educational program is Miodrag Zupanc and Editor in Chief of the entertainment program is Dejan Gligorijevic. Djordje Vlajic was appointed for Editor in Chief of Radio Beograd First Program, Djordje Malavrazic of the Second Program and Predrag Sarcevic of the Third Program. Editor in Chief of Radio Belgrade 202 is Darko Kocijan.

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