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12. 11. 2010

Awards for reporting on CEFTA

Belgrade, 12.11.2010 (B92) - The Central European Development Forum and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce announced the winners of the journalists award competition for the best reporting on the CEFTA agreement.

Prices were awarded in two categories: print media and electronic media. The journalists, who won the first award, will have the opportunity to visit one of the CEFTA countries, while those who won the second and third award received the award plaques.

In the category of print media, the first award was granted to Vesna Lapcic from the "Preduzece" magazine, the second award to Anica Nikolic from the "Politika" daily and the third award to Spasenija Beba Vujosevic from the "Pro Money" magazine.

In the category of electronic media, the first award was given to Slavica Subotic Braun and Marija Stokuca from RT Vojvodina, Aranka Molnar from the Radio Zrenjanin won the second award, while the third award was granted to Tanja Jankovic from RTV B92.

The members of the jury paid a special attention to: creativity, originality, ethics as well as the contribution to positive changes in the society and economy in regard to CEFTA agreement.

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