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17. 01. 2011

Journalists from South Serbia could directly communicate with Brussels and Washington

Vranje, January 17, 2011. (Danas) - It will soon be possible for reporters of local and national Belgrade media from South Serbia to have front page news since they will be able to directly communicate with high UN and NATO official based in Brussels and Washington - announced Nadica Stosic, the president of the NGO "Initiative for Integrations". She said that this project would be realized during February this year together with the NATO Public Diplomacy Department.  

- A part of the NATO library archive will be soon available to public since our organization will have around 100 titles from the area of security studies. Borrowing books at the NATO Central Library in Brussels will also be possible now. This will be an opportunity for increasing public informing on current affairs in NATO as well as the UN, regarding security affairs not only in the Balkans but also in the whole world - Stosic said.

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