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31. 01. 2011


Loznica, January 31, 2011 (Blic - Serbia) - City Administration in Loznica will allocate 2.5 million dinars for the co-financing of projects of local media in the first six months of this year. Founders or publishers of radio and TV stations, newspapers and internet portals based in Loznica were eligible to submit their applications in a public competition that was open until January 26, 2011. The contribution is up to 50 percent of the project and approved funding will be in the amount of 200.000 to 600.000 dinars. Applicants were invited to submit the projects on topics related to the field of sports, culture, education and local policies. The Loznica Finance Department stated that the approved projects would be implemented by June 30, 2011 and that the next call for applications would be announced in July.

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