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05. 07. 2002

Veran Matic's Reply to BK Allegations

BELGRADE, July 5, 2002 - RTV B92 editor in chief Veran Matic today replied to a statement from the BK Group, headed by Milosevic protégé Bogoljub Karic, which claimed BK TV is a haven of free journalism and that Matic is trying to control media space. "The Karic borthers really suffered a lot during Slobodan Milosevic's regime and they are still forced to be the lone fighters for truth and justice in Serbia," said Matic. "I can do nothing but wish the BK Group endure and withstand all pressure and injustice and continue to fight, for the sake of all our people." "After being harassed by Milosevic for so long, I hope you'll not give up now! RTV B92 is with you!"

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