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13. 08. 2002

Serbia Year Zero Nominated for Felix Award

Belgrade, August 13, 2002 - The Goran Markovic-directed "Serbia Year Zero" (Srbija Godine Nulte), produced by B92, has been nominated for the European film prize in the European film category at a festival to be held in Rome on Dec. 7. The prize is to be awarded for the first time this year, alongside awards for European director, actor, director of photgraphy and screenwriter. The Felix awards are the European equivalents to the Oscars. "For me this is a great honour and pleasure" Markovic told B92. "I've been to many festivals and won various prizes, but something like this I've never come close to, the fact that the film was even nominated - among I don't know how many nominated films - for me is a source of great satisfaction. I think the producers share this, particularly B92, who with this are entering into an elite group of European producers, and I think that should the film win, or even alone the fact that it was nominated, means that B92 productions have entered into a higher category of producers, this means, people engaged in filmaking in a very specific way," said Markovic.

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