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18. 08. 2002

Dismissal of Radio Kotor editor in chief

BELGRADE, August 18, 2002 - The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) strongly protests the dismissal of Slavko Mandic, the editor in chief of Radio Kotor, a member of ANEM. The newly-formed programming board of Radio Kotor decided at a recent sitting to release editor in chief Slavko Mandic. A statement said the Programming Board of Radio Kotor "had taken the decision to release the editor in chief" because of the failure to implement earlier rulings of this body. The statement named Dragan Buzdovan acting editor in chief. All decisions were unanimous, it added. Slavko Mandic is also director of Radio Kotor. His potential dismissal from this position will be decided on by the radio's new Administrative Board, which will be formed at the sitting of the local council on August 23. The direct cause of the dismissal is most likely Radio Kotor's involvement in a protest by members of the Association of Independent Montenegrin Media on August 1. Broadcasters interrupted programming for 30 minutes in protest at the failure to adopt new media legislation prepared in cooperation with international experts. ANEM members joined the protest, while the association issued a statement condemning the decision of the parliamentary majority in Montenegro to adopt legislation that was far from democratic and well below the standards prescribed by the Council of Europe. Slavko Mandic is the first victim of this legislation and the takeover of power in Kotor by the Liberal Alliance and the Together for Yugoslavia coalition. ANEM's fears have been confirmed - that the intention of those who adopted such legislation was to realise greater influence over media and journalists, to control and steer their work and thus manipulate public opinion ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for October. ANEM repeats its appeal for solidarity with media in Montenegro and calls on the authorities in this republic to adopt media laws that are in line with European standards. Veran Matic ANEM chairman

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