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28. 08. 2002

Curuvija brother seeks dismissal of police minister

BELGRADE, August 28, 2002. – The brother of murdered journalist Slavko Curuvija has called on the Serbian parliament to replace Serbia’s minister of police, Dusan Mihajlovic. According to Belgrade daily Blic, Jovo Curuvija sees Mihajlovic as the main obstacle to finding his brother’s killers. In a letter sent yesterday to all DOS-member parliament chiefs, Curuvija urged that the interior ministry “be led by a man who has no reason to restrain himself” in the search for the killers. Curuvija accused Mihajlovic of being behind a number of failed police investigations into high-profile murders. Slavko Curuvija was gunned down in front of his home in Belgrade on April 11, 1999. This weekend saw the second anniversary of the disappearance of former Serbian president Ivan Stambolic. With the fall of the Milosevic regime, Serbia’s new authorities promised to solve both cases.

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