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10. 09. 2002

Nin Editor-In-Chief Dismissed

BELGRADE, September 10, 2002 – The head of Belgrade weekly NIN’s management committee, Sava Dautovic, announced today that the editor-in-chief of the magazine has been dismissed. The decision was taken by NIN director, Todor Bjelica, who is authorised to dismiss editors under the company’s statute. Montenegrin Media Chiefs Resign PODGORICA, September 12, 2002. - Slobodan Vuksanovic, editor-in-chief of Pobjeda, the only state daily in Montenegrin, has resigned from his post. The paper gave no reasons for his resignation in today’s issue. Vukovic had been the editor-in-chief of this daily since April 18, 1994. Editors-in-chief of the state Television Montenegrin Velibor Covic and Radovan Miljanic also resigned last night. State television only briefly reported on their resignations. In line with the parliamentary parties' agreement, Covic, Miljanic and Vukovic were to be relieved of their duties by September 20 at the latest. The Montenegrin Parliament adopted last night without debate regulations for media coverage of political parties during the campaign months, and appointed a new "state media program board" that are powered to appoint new editors-in-chief for Radio Television Montenegro and Pobjeda.

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