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06. 09. 2002

Ilic Withdraws Nomination

NIŠ, September 6, 2002 – New Serbia presidential candidate Velimir Iliæ said yesterday in Nis that he was officially withdrawing his nomination for the Serbian presidential elections, and that he would back the candidacy of Vojislav Koštunic. Among other things, Ilic said in his speech that Serbian media are blocked by “that anti-Serb scum” worse than during he Slobodan Milosevic regime. "I have proved that I support democracy, and they insult me and spit on me as if I were the worst piece of scum. Well, I was the best manager in Yugoslavia and received the highest recognition from the Church. This traitor television B92, which employs Serb-haters, failed to give me a single second of attention, and it re-broadcasts the same program every day. They only cover the anarchist Labika (and his Dinkiæ and Ðeliæ). Only these anti-Serb organizations and sects, which are destroying Serbia disguised as a civil option, are important to them”, said Ilic. He also criticized BK Television and TV Soko Banja “which had interrupted his speech, in the capacity of a presidential candidate, before his time was up”.

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