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06. 09. 2002

Pressure on Rec Naroda Editor

POŽAREVAC, September 6, 2002 – The Pozarevac branch of the people’s movement Otpor has accused the local authorities of exerting pressure on Miodrag Kuzmanoviæ, the editor in chief of the paper Rec Naroda. Otpor coordinator Momèilo Veljkoviæ underlined: "The editor in chief of the paper 'Reè naroda' Miodrag Kuzmanoviæ has been under pressure exerted by the local authorities for a year now, who are dissatisfied with this editing policy. What they mainly hold against him is the fact that he regularly covers the Otpor press conferences. The pressure on this paper is coordinated by Slavoljub Matiæ, head of the Pozarevac municipal council from the ranks of the Democratic Party of Serbia, and by Zoran Marjanoviæ, head of the Pozarevac municipal council Executive committee from the ranks of the Democratic Party. We will seek protection of the freedom of media from ANEM, NUNS and UNS, and we will form an ethnic committee to monitor the media in the election campaign”.

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