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06. 10. 2002

Newsreader Doesn’t

PODGORICA, October 6, 2002 - A newsreader on Montenegro's state television last night refused to read a statement issued by the UN Consulate at the beginning of the network's evening news bulletin. The report concerned the announcement US financial aid to Montenegro. When news bulletin editor Milutin Stijepovic handed Andjela Nenadovic the report, she smiled and returned it. "You read this," she said, handing him the papers containing the rest of the items. Viewers then saw Nenadovic take her bag and leave the studio, although the camera stayed on Stijepovic from that point as he presented the remainder of the bulletin alone. He then apologised to viewers for what he described as "this little incident, adding that the state broadcaster would continue to provide objective information "despite obstacles". The majority of editors of the evening news broadcast at 7.30pm have refused to cooperate with the new editorial team. Natasa Jovovic has recently been appointed acting editor in chief of Television Montenegro. She had been chief editor of Radio Free Montenegro up to that point.

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