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07. 10. 2002

Montenegrin News Anchor Sacked

PODGORICA, October 7, 2002 -- The anchorwoman of Montenegrin Television's prime time news program has been sacked after refusing to read a new item on Thursday night. The report was a US Consulate press release on financial aid to Montenegro. When news bulletin editor Milutin Stijepovic gave Nenadovic the news report, Nenadovic smiled and returned it. "You read this," she said, handing him papers containing the remaining news items. Although the camera pointed to Stijepovic from that moment onwards, viewers could see Nenadovic take her bag and leave the studio. Stijepovic, who presented the bulletin on his own, apologized to viewers at the end of the bulletin for the "small incident". "Despite obstacles, we will continue to inform you objectively," said Stijepovic. The majority of editors of the evening news broadcast at 7.30pm have refused to cooperate with the new editorial team. Natasa Jovovic has recently been appointed acting editor in chief of Montenegrin Television. She had been chief editor of Radio Free Montenegro up to that point. Stjepovic said today that Nenadovic had been sacked for “this unprofessional gesture”.

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