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13. 11. 2002

Court Hears Canak Libel Case

NOVI SAD, November 13, 2002 – The Novi Sad Municipal Court yesterday examined Radio 021 journalist Asli Djuricin on charges of libel brought by the speaker of the Vojvodina Parliament, Nenad Canak. The charges claim that Djuricin libelled Canak by alleging that city budget funds were being used to advertise “Novi Sad, City of Culture” on the TV Pink network and that Canak was planning t o release an album of “Mafia” hits with the City Records label. Referring to the television network as TV Pinkanalizacija (the Serbian word ‘kanalizacija’ means ‘sewerage’), Djuricin said that as a Novi Sad resident he found it shameful for the “capital of Serbian culture” to advertise itself among sex hotlines, washing detergent and sanitary napkins. He added that he found it shameful for “the capital of Serbian culture” to advertise itself on a broadcaster which was the personification of kitsch, tastelessness and immorality.

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