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26. 12. 2002

"IT" TV Show Wins Special Prize – Discobolos 2002

Belgrade, 26.12.2002 - "IT" television show, produced by independent production company BS Group and broadcast by TV B92 and ANEM Network, has won special prize, Discobolos 2002, in the category of best radio and TV programs on information technology. This prestigious prize is awarded by the Yugoslav IT Association in collaboration with the competent federal and republican institutions. Discobolos prize has been synonymous for the past eight years with the most successful IT teams and professionals in the field of production and services, state administration, finances, health care, IT events, publishing and radio/TV shows. The chairman of the jury was Dragoljub Micunovic, Ph.D., the speaker of the federal parliament, while vice-chairmen were, amongst others, Dragan Domazet, Ph.D., and Branimir Gvozdenovic as representatives of the Serbian and Montenegrin governments respectively. The members of the jury were also Branislav Andjelic, IT and Internet Bureau of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Markovic, Serbian IT Association, and many others. The work of the jury was open to the public and the award presentation ceremony was held on December 25 at the Belgrade Intercontinental Hotel.

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