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28. 12. 2002

Association Condemns Attacks on Journalists

The Association warns that “it is not only the BELGRADE, December 28, 2002 – The Independent Association of Serbian Journalists most strongly protested on Saturday against physical assaults on journalists. The Association claims that, instead of answers to their questions, Danas Pozarevac correspondent Mile Veljkovic and Radio Belgrade reporter Aleksandar Radovic got slaps in the face. Veljkovic was slapped in the face by head of the Pozarevac Municipal Council Executive Committee Zoran Marjanovic for asking him what the local authorities are doing when one murder and one attempted murder happen in this town in just two days. Radovic was slapped in the face by a man selling pirate CDs because he asked him for his reaction to the setting up of the Government’s Anti-piracy Committee, says the Association’s statement. right, but also the obligation of every journalist to ask questions and seek answers that interest the public because it is for this that the media exist in the first place”.

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