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06. 02. 2003

Police Charge Reporter Journalist

BELGRADE, February 6, 2003 (B92) -- Belgrade police have filed charges against journalist Jovica Krtinic of the weekly Reporter on the grounds that he attacked a policeman. Police allege that Krtinic struck a policeman who was guarding the District Court courtroom on January 20 before sentence was passed for the murder of Serbian Renewal Movement officials on the Ibar motorway in 1999. A police statement claims that Krtinic, security guards, three journalists, and two citizens were questioned, and that, based on the information gathered and consultations with the state prosecutor, criminal charges were filed against the journalist for "obstructing an official on duty". According to the police statement, Krtinic was among those who attempted to enter the courtroom by force. "Despite all the warnings, they still charged the door and at one point the most aggressive among them, Jovica Krtinic, hit one of the policemen with his knee three times in the thigh", said the police. Krtinic dismissed the police accusations and said he would file a criminal complaint against the policeman who shoved him and then reported him to the police. "I can't believe what is happening. I never expected them to go that far. I expected an apology from the police, and in place of an apology I received a criminal charge! I cannot believe the police signed such a lie-ridden statement", said Krtinic.

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