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06. 02. 2003

Illegal Arrest Of Journalist Alleged

POZAREVAC, February 6, 2003 – Criminal charges have been filed against the former head of the Pozarevac police, Radisa Jovic, former heads of the crime unit, Velibor Ivanovic and Dragoslav Milenkovic, and commander Nikola Kaurin, because of the illegal arrest of three journalists from daily Danas in May 2000. According to the claims from the charge, Jovic ordered Ivanovic, Milenkovic and Kaurin to bring journalists Natasa Bogovic, Bojan Toncic and Mile Veljkovic to the station and held them there for nearly 24 hours. On that day an opposition rally was scheduled in Pozarevac to protest against the beating and arrest of Otpor activists Radojko Lukovic, Momcilo Veljkovic and Nebojsa Sokolovic. Pozarevac is the home town of the Milosevic family.

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