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04. 02. 2003

Lawyers Accuse RTS Of Being Responsible For Lynch Atmosphere

BELGRADE, February 4, 2003 – Lawyers of the four people convicted in the “Ibar highway case” sent an open letter to RTS heads saying that “from the very beginning, RTS has been biased, tendentious and has often presented lies causing damages to the defendants”. The letter sent to RTS editor in chief Aleksandar Crkvenjakov and editor in chief of the RTS Info program Bojana Lekic said “it is true that four men lost their lives in this tragic event and no sane person can be different”. "However, to abuse these people’s tragedy and the tragedy of their families, with RTS’ media assistance is, to say the least, inappropriate”, say the lawyers of Nenad Ilic, Nenad Bujosevic, Radomir Markovic and Milan Radonjic.

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