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11. 06. 2003

B92 ratings forge ahead

BELGRADE, June 11, 2003 (Beta) – Radio B92 and Radio Belgrade First Program share the first position in listener popularity according to the latest ratings research by Marten Board International. At least 17 per cent of the audience listens to these radio stations at least once per week. They are followed by Radio S with twelve per cent and Radio Pink with ten per cent. Further down the list are Radio 202 (nine per cent), Radio 101 (eight per cent), Nostalgie (6.8 per cent) and Radio Indeks and Radio 100 on five per cent. TV Pink retains its lead in the television ratings with 28 per cent of viewers claiming it as their favourite channel. Second comes BK Television on 21 per cent with the state broadcaster RTS on eight per cent. TV B92 is fourth in the ratings with six per cent. Marten Board International notes that TV B92 has won the greatest increase in ratings this period. The research was carried out in March on a sample of 2,762 respondents.

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