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06. 06. 2003

Milivojevic resignation explained

BELGRADE, 6 June, 2003 – Snjezana Milivojevic, now a former member of the Broadcast Agency Council, explained yesterday that the reason for her resignation was the disputed appointments of three members of the Council. She said that the Council would continue to work, because the law stipulates that the Broadcast Council can continue functioning provided it has at least five members. The body responsible for nominating the resigned member, the associations of journalists, film and dramatic artists and composers, now have three months to nominate replacement candidates, after which the Serbian Parliament will have 15 days to elect one of the two candidates. Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Milivojevic was joined by NUNS president Milica Lucic Cavic, ANEM chairman Veran Matic and Rade Veljanovski, a member of the working group tasked with drafting media legislation. The four jointly criticized the fact that the Council’s founding session, held on Wednesday, had been closed to the public.

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