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05. 06. 2003

Blic News editor resigns over government witch-hunt

BELGRADE, 5 June, 2003 - Zeljko Cvijanovic, editor-in-chief of Belgrade weekly Blic News, last night bowed to political pressure and resigned from his post. Cvijanovic said he had been forced to tender his resignation as a result of political pressure exerted and a campaign waged against him by some members of the Serbian Government. He believes that the move will alleviate "the unparalleled year-long pressure" that has been inflicted on his company, colleagues and friends. Cvijanovic was fined by the courts last week after Belgrade police filed charges against him and journalist Jovica Krtinic. The charges related to a Blic News article which insisted the infamous Zemun Gang had been behind the murder of police chief Bosko Buha and that the organised criminal gang of Zeljko "Maka" Maksimovic had been subsequently framed for the murder.

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