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04. 06. 2003

Legija interview banned from Serbia's news stands

BELGRADE, 4 June, 2003 – Since the lifting of the state of emergency in Serbia, the name of Milorad "Legija" Lukovic – believed to have masterminded the assassination of PM Djindjic – has fallen from the headlines somewhat. However, Macedonian weekly Svedok [Witness] recently interviewed the fugitive former commander of the now disbanded Serbian Special Operations Unit, the Red Berets. Belgrade's District Prosecution was quick to react to the article, requesting that the district court block distribution of the newspaper in Serbia and seize all copies of the 3 June edition in accordance with provisions detailed in the Public Information Act. However, Serbian police claim that, after consultations with the Macedonian force, indications suggest that the interview is a fake, although they are still attempting to establish verification. Svedok editor Toma Avramovski refuted police claims, insisting: "We have video footage and photographs of the interview. The journalist who performed the interview has those photographs with him. He added: "Legija doesn't look anything like the photographs you have of him in Belgrade", before explaining that Lukovic had initiated contact with Svedok and asked to tell his story. According to the editor, the bulk of the interview focuses on jailed Serbian folk-pop diva Svetlana "Ceca" Raznatovic.

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