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20. 05. 2003

Slander cases go through the roof

BELGRADE, 20 May, 2003 -- NUNS, the Independent Association of Serbian Journalists, has identified a marked increase in the number of lawsuits filed against journalists and media companies in Serbia since the uprising of October 2000. More than 170 court proceedings are currently underway, the majority of which are the result of lawsuits filed by representatives of the former regime and public figures close to them. NUNS also identifies an increasing number of slander and liable suits filed against the media by current state officials requesting compensation amounting to tens of millions of dinars in some cases. The highest single compensation request in Serbia was filed by Dragoljub Markovic, owner of the Surcin Krmivo Product Company. Markovic is suing Blic News editor and publishing director Zeljko Cvijanovic over an article published in May last year. Markovic is requesting 60 million dinars in compensation for defamation of character. The case is underway.

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