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15. 05. 2003

Miljevic: Broadcast watchdog’s integrity already doubtful

BELGRADE, 15 May, 2003 – Caucus MP of the Social Democratic Party, Natasa Milojevic, told press yesterday that the integrity of the Broadcast Agency Council has already been brought into question following a number of objections and complaints that have practically led to a scandal. Goran Radenovic, the proposed ninth and final member of the council, has yet to see his nomination verified by the Serbian Parliament, while the seventh and eight members were the subject of controversy because their CVs were not made available 30 days prior to their appointment, as specified in the regulations governing the forming of the council. Milojevic explained the controversy over Radenovic’s nomination, saying: “Under the law, one thing was crucial – that he be a resident and citizen of Kosovo. All other qualifications, whether he is a good or bad journalist, producer, technician et cetera, were not defined or envisaged by the law”. Milojevic assessed: “If the facts are not authentic, which is being established, then we cannot vote for this council member”. Although the ninth member must live and work in Kosovo, Radenovic is known to reside in the Montenegrin capital of Podogirca after leaving the troubled province in 1999. However, Radenovic’s identity card was issued in the Kosovo capital of Pristina in 1994 with a ten-year duration.

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