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12. 05. 2003

Media union supports Politika staff action

BELGRADE, 12 May, 2003 – The Media branch union Nezavisnost (Independence) has confirmed its strong support for the strike warning of RTV Politika employees, who have not been paid for the past four months. Nezavisnost states that “well-educated, fully-trained journalists” are departing Politika, leaving the company “all the more dependent on their substitutes, who – to say the least – don’t have the same qualifications. Which can be seen by viewers”. Nezavisnost continued by assessing that “at this point, this form of protest is the one remaining thing to do”. Nezavisnost fully supports the request of Politika colleagues that the management of the company by reviewed and inspected, claiming that “it is clear that this is main reason for the disastrous material situation of its employees and their families”.

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