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17. 06. 2003

Vladimir Popovic sues NIN

BELGRADE, June 17, 2003 -- Vladimir "Beba" Popovic, the Serbian Government's Communication Bureau chief, today filed a complaint against a journalist and chief editor of Belgrade weekly Nin, over allegations that they have caused damage to his reputation. According to a statement sent to Beta news agency by Nin, Popovic is demanding compensation to the tune of two million dinars. However, Popovic does not want the money for himself and has said that, should his claim prove successful, he will donate the money to the Serbian Institute for the Health of Mothers and Children. The lawsuit specifies that Nin erroneously speculated on Popovic's status in the Bureau, accused him of instigating a witch-hunt against RTV B92 chief editor Veran Matic, and mistakenly reported that PM Zoran Zivkovic "removed" Popovic from his post as a result of this affair. Popovic's legal representative has requested that the court urgently process this case in accordance with the Public Information Act and schedule a main hearing within 15 days of Nin's response to the charges.

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