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15. 07. 2003

B92: Cekic’s and Cvetkovic’s witch-hunt

BELGRADE, July 17, 2003 – A statement released by RTV B92 has protested the accusatory press release of Broadcast Agency Council members Nenad Cekic and Vladimir Cvetkovic. According to B92, the release was an act of abuse of position as they have used the Agency Council for their own ends when it should be tasked with defining development strategies and not be “anyone’s weapon in a personal showdown, especially not a weapon in the hands of those who were previously elected in violation of a legal procedure”. B92 denied organising any kind of a witch-hunt against Cekic and Cvetkovic, insisting that it and other media companies have maintained their professional principles when opposing the illegal method by which the three disputed members were appointed. Moreover, B92 stress that Cekic and Cvetkovic have now launched a personal witch-hunt against the media company and chief editor Veran Matic, which proves that they will be unable to remain objective members of the Agency Council.

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